VDS Carts & trolley washer/disinfector

Fast, efficient and sustainable: the VDS for trolleys and carts


Every day our Research & Development department works on innovative solutions to increase patient safety in hospitals. Sustainability plays an important role in this.

We are convinced that robot technology can substantially improve the processes of cleaning and disinfection in hospitals. This is how we help hospitals on their way to a sustainable future.

We are currently working on a solution for thermal cleaning, disinfection and drying of carts and trolleys. This includes, for example, trolleys and carts for transporting sterile goods, as well as for transporting food.

For this solution, again we avoid the use of chemicals and aim to reduce energy and water consumption. We also look to minimise processing time: the VDS Carts & Trolley washer/disinfector can process at least 15 carts or trolleys per hour.

Want to know more about the VDS Carts & trolleywasher?

By mid-2023, the VDS will is set to conquer the market for trolleys and carts. Would you like to be the first to hear about it? You can already contact us for more information.